My daughter the student finally home!! My worries postponed for another 4 months!

Just a personal note here, since the spring sale is over I have a had day or two to relax. After which I travelled seven hours by car to pick up my daughter who just finished her first eight months away from home. AND, I just finished my first eight months of worrying about her!! It is hard to believe my baby is finished her 3rd year of her university education! Where has the time gone? I know I am not the first to experience this and I will not be the last, even so that does not make it any easier. Every parent who has had to send a child off to university has their challenges. We are so proud of our kids and at the same time we share the anticipation and the fear of that child more than they will ever know.

But alas, after another 7 hours in the car (this time with my passenger seat occupied) my daughter is home, safe and sound. Sleeping in her own bed. Just where she belongs, at least for the next four months :)
My daughter and our puppy.

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